The mode selection knob controls the direction of the air flow through the ventilation system.
Air can be directed to the floor, dashboard outlets, or windshield. Five symbols are used to represent Face, Bi-Level, Floor, Floor-Defrost and Defrost air position.
Face-Level (B, D)
Air flow is directed toward the upper body and face. Additionally, each outlet can be controlled to direct the air discharged from the outlet.
Bi-Level (B, D, C, E)
Air flow is directed towards the face and the floor.
Floor-Level (A, C, D, E)
Most of the air flow is directed to the floor, with a small amount of the air being directed to the windshield, side window defrosters, and side vents.
Floor & Defrost (A, C, D, E)
Most of the air flow is directed to the floor and the windshield with a small amount directed to the side window defrosters, and side vents.
Defrost-Level (A, D)
Most of the air flow is directed to the windshield with a small amount of air directed to the side vents.
Hyundai Elantra AD (2016-2020) Service Manual: Troubleshooting
SymptomPassible CauseRemedy (Refer to page)Water leaks from panorama sunroofDeteriorated roof lid weatherstripReplaceExcessive roof lid-to-body clearance and improperly fitted weatherstripAdjustWind noise around sunroof Loose or deformed deflector, gaps in body workRetighte ...
Hyundai Elantra AD (2016-2020) Service Manual: Components and Components Location
Component Location
[Engine Room]
1. Engine room junction block
[Interior Relay]
1. Smart junction block (SJB)